We need an American Futurism. A National Futurism. We must rebuild our country and get ourselves out of this degrowth era. We need to revitalize the cities. We need to move forward. We need to accelerate. We need to reanimate.
Progress can no longer keep up, and the future cannot wait. Bureaucrats worship the past; they kneel before regulations. We are National Futurists. We are the vanguard of a new American rising. We are possessed by the vitalist spirit that has raised civilizations through history and made our own the exception of history.
The disenchantment we have faced at the hands of lockdowns, inflation, activism, and its assorted institutions have left us with no choice but to build a counter-elite that resurrects the renegade spirit of America.
America is a launchpad, and our task is to fuel it with energy and risk. We are a nation of artists, pioneers, astronauts, and inventors. We are building the means to transcend the systems that hold us back. We believe in escape velocity. We believe in superior aesthetics.
We are neither Left nor Right. These labels are dust. Our allegiance is to speed, power, and beauty. We reject both stagnation and nostalgia. The new order is already forming, and we are its architects. We are National Futurists, and we will revitalize America.”
- The National Futurist Manifesto
Every nation has a spirit. An energy that defines the body of a people - the animism of their soul. If you feel it, you understand it. When you kill a nation’s spirit, you kill its capacity for innovation. When lockdowns and bureaucracy became the norm in America, we were deprived of our energy.
As a response, we sought a vitalist uprising, a spiritual insurrection. After years of backroom chatter, politicians seized our romantic desires. The Donald Trump/J.D. Vance administration is being heralded in. The taboos of the old regime are being crushed as we find ourselves liberated from the tyranny and repression we faced during the Biden administration.
We are in the middle of a great unleashing.
The deadweight of excess regulation from both the Left and Right resulted in the decay of our authentic businesses and the spirit of our great entrepreneurs. AI alarmists sought to halt technological growth out of fear. De-accelerationists are our enemies: anyone who opposes technological development does not believe in the spirit of the future. We cannot allow enemies of growth to gain control of our nation.
National Futurism is about renewal, resurrection, and revival. We’re going to create an aesthetic for our spiritual current. We aren’t social conservatives or reactionaries, except in a romantic sense in which the achievements of the heroic tales of the past inspire us. We can only be described as Futurists—National Futurists. The Italian Futurists focused on creating an art form with a distinct national identity. We should do the same for America.
While we cherish Mother Earth, we don’t want to be plunged submissively into the ground by her. We do not need foreign entities to help us achieve our aims. Launching rockets into space already propelled us into the anima of the new regime. America witnessed a period of stagnation during the Biden era: this crisis and the ensuing political turmoil gave birth to a realignment.
The realignment.
Regulations turned reactionaries and progressives against a common enemy: the liberal managerial state.
The regime shift aired on national television during the night of Donald Trump's victory and it was shown again today during his inauguration. Talking heads from the mainstream media used the term "realignment" without irony. Yet we needed more. We needed a faction of MAGA focused on creating our American Aesthetic. It was a frontline mission. We recognized that populists were deluded and that elites were intimidated. This created a secret third dimension that transcended the binary options that caged us.
National Futurism is the new dawning. We share a common enemy in the interventionist state. We move beyond the dichotomy of Conservative or Liberal, Populist or Elite.
We embrace the urgency of speed, the impact of power, and the sublimity of beauty.
1. Speed: Speed is life. Dynamic Art. Transcendent Music. Vitalist Fashion. Extremist Architecture. We cut through red tape with a knife. We stomp out the past failures of slower societies from days gone by. By building a world of escape velocity, we will reanimate our nation. We must generate enough momentum to break free from the forces of decline.
2. Power: We seek the raw, unfiltered might that pulses through the heart of our nation. Energy independence, steel infrastructure, and nuclear reinvention. Power is the will that animates the heart of National Futurism. It represents the freedom to reach beyond the predictable and tear down the barriers that limit us. It’s the gift of agency in an era of reawakening. We are now a stronger country aligned with our national spirit—a militant psychic force that moves with intention.
3. Beauty: Beauty to us is sacred. It ignites our souls as a nation and as a people. Whether it’s the revitalisation of the cities or delicately crafted nuclear technology, we see the embodiment of National Futurism as a connection to the divine. Beauty is the electricity that drives our culture forward. It seduces the senses and binds us to our highest values. We will craft a nation that is beautiful.
We’re the architects of a new, rising elite. We’ve bypassed established institutions and created parallel systems. We stand united by our desire for technological and human advancement. We understand how art and music are crucial to a nation's spirit. We’re defining our future national identity. We’re curating a distinct aesthetic that is boldly American.
But what does this vision look like?
We're inspired by the architecture of Hugh Ferriss. His towering American visions were imbued with power and vitality. He captured the force of an ascendant nation and rising civilization. His influence can be seen in iconic Art Deco skyscrapers like the Chrysler Building and Rockefeller Center. We're captivated by the fashion of Thierry Mugler, whose dramatic, sculptural designs echo the grandiosity of Ferriss’s architectural forms. Mugler’s work, like Ferriss’s skyscrapers, combine sharp geometry and avant-garde elegance with a celebration of American individuality. They define an aesthetic of power and beauty as they bridge architecture, fashion, and the spirit of a rising elite. We're the descendants of Marilyn Monroe—her presence transcending eras, an icon for this fusion of elegance and greatness.
Other nations have done similar. Gaudí’s surrealist architecture transformed Barcelona into a living masterpiece. Italian Futurists like Tullio Crali captured the dynamism of their nation with paintings of planes and buildings that embodied the speed of their movement. Giorgio Armani vitalized fashion with intense militant designs that captured the hearts and minds of Italy's proceeding vanguard. Wyndham Lewis’s Vorticism in Britain celebrated Futurism and industrial energy through sharp, angular art. Belgium's industrial music band Front 242 brought Futurism to the alternative subcultures and underground music scenes. Now it’s America’s turn.
This movement is a form of escape velocity. Just as a rocket must achieve sufficient speed to shake off the earth’s gravitational pull, society must generate enough momentum to break free of the constraints that are holding us down.
We will revitalize America.
As National Futurists, we are driven by a strong desire to accelerate beyond the dull confines of the present, burning with the creative spirit that has brought our civilization to greatness. We possess a reckless fervor to reignite the vitalist American energy that our nation was founded on.
The cluster of failed policies and lethargic institutions have dulled America’s potential. We believe in American exceptionalism. The old institutions are dying. Our aesthetic Renaissance is brutal and beautiful, merging art and architecture with technology and philosophy. We want to make America a spectacle of grandeur.
Nations rise and fall, not only by the force of politics but by the spirit that animates them. Some call it destiny, others call it national character. I believe it’s a pulse—an energy that is unafraid. America has been waiting to be reborn.
Rachel Haywire is the author of The New Art Right. She works as a political consultant and Salionière who runs the Cultural Futurist Substack. She’s also the founder of the new art gallery Fiume in NYC.
Rachel great stuff… we have been stagnant since 2001 really.. me being in my 4th decade saw the incredible 90’s and the slow creep of the 2000’s.. to me, the Iraq war cause many in the elitist cabal to Look inward, and think differently about our place In the world.. of course these times ushered in the Obama era, with a small respite during 2016-2020. A celebration of might, beauty and aspiration has been culled for quite some time. I hope we regain our Manifest Destiny spirit, but I remain skeptical.. it depends moreso on being able to produce children, of which no one seems to want to do any longer.
Channeling the spirit of Hakim Bey! Aimé Césairé! Burroughs! Walker! I am for you and this.