Rachel great stuff… we have been stagnant since 2001 really.. me being in my 4th decade saw the incredible 90’s and the slow creep of the 2000’s.. to me, the Iraq war cause many in the elitist cabal to Look inward, and think differently about our place In the world.. of course these times ushered in the Obama era, with a small respite during 2016-2020. A celebration of might, beauty and aspiration has been culled for quite some time. I hope we regain our Manifest Destiny spirit, but I remain skeptical.. it depends moreso on being able to produce children, of which no one seems to want to do any longer.
Thank you! We aren’t populists but I get where you’re going with this.
“Talking heads from the mainstream media used the term "realignment" without irony. Yet we needed more. We needed a faction of MAGA focused on creating our American Aesthetic. It was a frontline mission. We recognized that populists were deluded and that elites were intimidated. This created a secret third dimension that transcended the binary options that caged us.”
Ayn Rand would probably enjoy this new futurist sentiment. So be it.
However, I’m not sure if total accelerationism is truly the solution; technology and Capital are already accelerating and dragging us forward on their own. But perhaps this is the American mindset and it's fine.
As a European, I believe instead that we should turn – in this historical moment – to technological humanism. Or as Gaye would say: Archeofuturism.
Accelerate, yes, but also navigate the Kali Yuga or ride the Tiger (as Evola would say) while staying anchored to higher spiritual principles. Transhumanism must be humanist before technological. Otherwise, we’re simply trading a stagnant dystopia for a swirling one.
Rachel great stuff… we have been stagnant since 2001 really.. me being in my 4th decade saw the incredible 90’s and the slow creep of the 2000’s.. to me, the Iraq war cause many in the elitist cabal to Look inward, and think differently about our place In the world.. of course these times ushered in the Obama era, with a small respite during 2016-2020. A celebration of might, beauty and aspiration has been culled for quite some time. I hope we regain our Manifest Destiny spirit, but I remain skeptical.. it depends moreso on being able to produce children, of which no one seems to want to do any longer.
Channeling the spirit of Hakim Bey! Aimé Césairé! Burroughs! Walker! I am for you and this.
Love this. Some would dare call this National Populism.
Thank you! We aren’t populists but I get where you’re going with this.
“Talking heads from the mainstream media used the term "realignment" without irony. Yet we needed more. We needed a faction of MAGA focused on creating our American Aesthetic. It was a frontline mission. We recognized that populists were deluded and that elites were intimidated. This created a secret third dimension that transcended the binary options that caged us.”
Yes absolutely. I don't know about American. AbEx was that. But a conservative aesthetic. Definitely.
Ayn Rand would probably enjoy this new futurist sentiment. So be it.
However, I’m not sure if total accelerationism is truly the solution; technology and Capital are already accelerating and dragging us forward on their own. But perhaps this is the American mindset and it's fine.
As a European, I believe instead that we should turn – in this historical moment – to technological humanism. Or as Gaye would say: Archeofuturism.
Accelerate, yes, but also navigate the Kali Yuga or ride the Tiger (as Evola would say) while staying anchored to higher spiritual principles. Transhumanism must be humanist before technological. Otherwise, we’re simply trading a stagnant dystopia for a swirling one.
God lord! What over-the-top doggerel!
I'm not sure about futurism but SOMETHING. Gawd. Definitely. I'm writing about conservative aesthetics.